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Highcell PRP Kit

Highcell PRP Kit Buffy Coat Photo after centrifuge,  Highcell PRP Kit, The best PRP Tube ever

Do you say that "I applied PRP but without success?

We know why.

All scientific publications published about PRP treatment state that the optimum platelet dose should be at the level of 1 million per microliter.

Unfortunately, this number cannot be obtained easily and stably with conventional PRP tubes and unfortunately the desired result cannot be obtained.

At this point, we present you our Highcell PRP Kit.

Thanks to its 14-15 ml blood collection capacity and hourglass-like bottleneck design, it collects the platelets in a narrow section and allows you to get the desired dose comfortably in each application.

Highcell PRP Kit Buffy Coat Photo after centrifuge / Highcell PRP santrifüj sonrası ayrışım görseli

Highcell PRP (Single PRP Tube)

1 Highcell PRP Tube (14-15 ml )  

S&M PRP Unique System

It has the capacity to take 14 ml of blood. After the centrifuge, the Buffy Coat is adjusted to the narrow section in the middle and collected very comfortably with the injector from the top cap. It gives high platelet concentration. PRP collection problem in double and single cap tubes is almost non-existent with this design. High quality PRP is obtained in every application. Since the design structure is similar to Hourglass, it is also called Hourglass PRP.

Highcell PRP Kit Buffy Coat Photo after centrifuge, The best price and performance, Pure PRP, Pure platelet, Growth Factor, Collagen injection
Highcell PRP Kit Buffy Coat Photo after centrifuge, Pure PRP, PRP Kit Supplier, CGF Centrifuge, CGF Kit

HighCell PRP Kit / How to Use?


Adress: Pınarçay OSB 20. Cad. No.2/1 Merkez/Çorum/Turkey

Phone: +90 364 234 4414


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Mon-Fri: 08:00-18:00

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